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Trace Formulas in Excel

13 Oct No Comments admin Microsoft Excel

If you are working with an Excel file created by someone else you may not be clear on how the formulas  connect to other cells. Select a cell and in Formula tab > Formula Auditing > Trace Dependents – this will draw a blue line to all the dependent cells (even

SharePoint Groups and Permissions

13 Oct No Comments admin SharePoint

It is best practice to place people in Groups and then give the group permissions on a site or subsite. If you give people permissions individually it will work at the beginning but will be unmanageable after a few weeks. It will difficult and time consuming to track who has

Excel Filter by colour

5 Oct No Comments admin Microsoft Excel

It is possible to filter n Excel by colour. Once the filter is applied click on the filter drop down arrow and select “Filter by Color” ) select the color you need filtered Note that it is best to use primary colors so people can tell the difference

Excel – Flash Fill

30 Sep No Comments admin Microsoft Excel

Flash Fill feature is a fantastic new feature in Excel 2013. You just give it an example or two of what you need it to do and it works out the rest for you. If you have first name and last name in one column and you need them in

Microsoft Project Customized Fields

30 Sep No Comments admin Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project 2013, 2010 & 2007 has many pre-defined fields (columns of information) which store data such as work hours, variance etc. In fact there are hundreds of these existing fields in a project but many times there is an extra piece of information you want to record. If there

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